Friday 15 November 2013

Thank you!

When you become a mother yourself, there comes a time, at least for the most of us, when we have to thank our own mums!  So this it, this is my time to thank my mum.

To my mum,

Thank you for all the wiped away tears, the kisses on cuts and bruises, the nights you spent with me crying trying to soothe my pain.  For all the "there's plenty more fish in the sea" talks, the cuddles on your lap even when I was far to big for them, for not always asking why?, but just listening or comforting.

Thank you for teaching me to cook and for baring with me when I wanted to be a vegetarian for a while there, even though I know it must have driven you completely crazy, especially because I'm sure you knew it would never last!  For putting up with my hatred of red meat unless it was mince, for complying with my fussy eating habits and for omitting peas from my diet until I finally decided I liked them.  Thank you for tradition English Christmas Lunch every SINGLE year!

Thank you for bringing me home donuts and cakes from work the day I suffered my first migraine, and thank you for making sure even the standby light on my TV was off because the pain it caused was so blinding.  For all the times you had to clean up after me when I was sick.  For all the gross jobs I'm sure I had you do!

Thank you for buying me a queen size bed, even though the state of my room appalled you!  For teaching me about gardening, camping and the outdoors, even how to light a fire and bathe in a lagoon.

Thank you for letting me completely crash your wedding anniversary one year because I was being a completely emotional turd and couldn't for the life of me figure out why it should be special ONLY for you and dad.  I'll never forget that day when you walked into my class to get me and take me on your picnic.  I promise I've learned why it's so special to you both as a couple and why that time as a couple was needed.  I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner.

Thank you for accepting me at my least perfect moments, for not kicking me when I was down, yet embracing me for what I was to come.

But most importantly, thank you for teaching me how to be a mum.  For showing me always love and compassion that I can now show my own children.  For picking me up when I fell, taking pride in me no matter what, filling me with love.  For always having my back, for standing up for me, for never giving up.

For if it weren't for you I couldn't be who I am now.  I owe it all to you (and I guess I can give a little credit to dad too lol)

So thank you mum, for always being exactly what I needed