Sunday 22 January 2012


*waves* hello and welcome to my life.  Be warned, I wont post everything here, I don't particularly feel the need to share every intimate detail of my life, and lets be honest, you don't particularly want to hear it, especially the boring stuff ;).  But I will share with you my journeys (movies, eating out the quirks of my children).  Let's simply start with a little introduction!

I'm Chelsea, a 27 year old stay at home mum to 4 girls, and a loving, devoted, somewhat sarcastic, better half to my husband.  Yes, you read that right I'm am completely "blessed" with FOUR girls!  Believe me, the toilet paper we go through is absolutely phenomenal and I'm not quite sure how much longer we'll be able to survive with just the one bathroom, but we make it work.  Although I'm quite sure if my husband's testosterone levels could talk they would be screaming an SOS at the bottom of a very shallow puddle.  You know the kind that the fish flip flop around in desperate to hang on to the last hope of life, even though they MUST know that the water wont be hanging around much longer.

My first blessing is my 11 year old, who is starting high school in just a week and is really looking forward to it.  Me, not so much, it is just a reminder of my age and the joys I'm about to face in the high school world of girls.  In saying that, this girl is SMART, she just knows things, absolutely amazes me, although is developing an attitude to match it.  But after almost 12 years of being a mum I am an expert at conflict resolution and I'm certain I could have the Iraqi's caving if the government would just send me over.  Actually, I think a group of rampaging mother's in any war zone would have those white flags raised in no time.  That is not to say I don't absolutely appreciate the amazing job our soldiers do.

Next is my 8 year old.  Heading off into year 4, the face of an angel and most definitely already interested in boys.  You will find through out my postings that this miss is quite quirky.  She says the most unusual things, but she can make this whole family laugh.  If they'd allow an 8 year old stand up comedian in a bar, she'd be an instant hit!

Following on is Miss 5.  Just started school in the middle of last year and not quite transitioning as well as I had hoped.  She's still very much my baby, loves her mummy time and separating her time between school and weekend's with daddy we've found her lashing out in the not so best ways for attention.  Although we give her equal attention as the others., she's just handling it differently.  Hoping that having 6 weeks at home to ponder if it's really that joyous to be home with mummy will make a difference when she starts back.

And finally my youngest, Miss 2.  She is only a girl because my husband decided before she was even conceived that "if" she was a girl her name would be Tessa, which coincidentally means "4th child".  Jinxed much ?  I think so.  She never really had a choice, but honestly, like I'd actually want to change it.  I mean think about this logically, and if you're having trouble just ask my husband, would YOU want to be the only boy in a house of women ?  She was smart from the get go, she knew what to do ;)  She's a precious thing, we've nicknamed "Tessazilla".  If you've ever seen Godzilla and you've ever had a 2 year old, I'm sure you can understand it.  Truthfully, she can destroy this house in mere seconds, but she's always ready with a hug and a kiss and she's slowly starting to understand the cleaning up side of things.  She's challenging that's for sure, but what about motherhood isn't a challenge ?

Then there is my poor husband.  Well, I shouldn't really say my "poor husband"  he loves us to death and wouldn't change our gender at all of that I'm 99% sure ;)  My chef, my chef who wants to teach!  How I love him, except when it's bed time and after exhausting 15-16 hour days he without fail gets the giggles as soon as his head hits the pillow.  Who does that ?  Probably a hysterical man with four daughters!  Although I must say, it's lovely to always fall asleep smiling.

So that's us.  And for now, that's it from me.  I must start the task of convincing these children that water does not contain poison when it comes from the shower and that the socially acceptable thing is to be clean.  Once that's over it's the discussion about the appropriate hours of sleep necessary for children their ages.

I love it!

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