Saturday 13 April 2013

Technology Ban - Day 1

It's 7:14 here, so an hour and 14 minutes past the time we set for the ban to finish each day.  My daughters are enjoying watching "The Voice", but surprisingly haven't asked to switch on our main PC, their little PC or the iPad.  In fact, they've asked for nothing more than just the TV.  Everyone coped very well today.  The husband got a slap on the hand when I caught him on facebook on his phone lol.  He did it out of habit, but quickly put it up and only caught a glimpse of one update.  The 3 1/2 year old wasn't too impressed to start as she was asked to get off the iPad and not turn on their computer.  She quickly seemed to pick up what was happening though and from there I witnessed a day I had barely seen since I first became a mum 13 years ago.

We all banded together to get the house not just clean, but sorted.  We rid ourselves of things we no longer used, danced and laughed.  Miss 10 and Miss 3 made castles and beds out of the couch cushions, Miss 13 rediscovered her love for books and plaited yarn into headbands, (Miss 6 is away with her daddy until later tonight) and the husband spent a lot of time emerged in a book too.  For him though, that's not very unusual.  In fact a book ban on him may have been more effective :P

The kids and I cooked together after we saw the man off to work.  I taught them a bit about the food they were eating, how to prepare it and cook it.  We created a pretty awesome dinner and I haven't seen my 3 year old eat with such enthusiasm in a long time.  She gnawed through her cob of corn in about 30 seconds, it was impressive!  At the table we discussed the day and our favourite parts about not having technology to interrupt us.  Miss 10 said it was building castles, Miss 13 said reading, Miss 3 mumbled something about dragons through her mouth full of corn.  We also made a couple of plans for the coming days.  Tomorrow we are going to scope out a local market and the kids are encouraging me to try and sell my wares there if it looks good.  Monday we are hitting up the library.  I am actually going to ask my kids to do book reports outside of school :O The horror I know!  But they're pretty keen on the idea and so am I.  I want them to see that learning stretches far beyond school.  Tuesday we will prep our yard and Wednesday have our organic soil delivered for our vegetable garden.  Wednesday night we will make more plans for the rest of the week.

So, so far I am not torturing them and they don't feel totally tormented.  I think they're also starting to see my childhood wasn't bad at all, I didn't miss out on anything, in fact I probably had more than they did, it just wasn't found in "things".

This is all I really want to get out of my "experiment" to have my children open their eyes to the beauty all around us.

Tomorrow is a new day, they may tire of the novelty lol.  Check back to see :)

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