Monday 29 April 2013

Just a Little More

In case you hadn't realised whilst perusing my blog I lead a pretty hectic life with just my girls, my husband, my household and my casual job as a dog groomer.  We run on a pretty tight schedule most of the time to make sure everyone is where they need to be, when they need to be there and so that each of us get our time together or alone to share or just be.

I am also not one who does well with just sitting around.  I almost always like to be doing something and take very few days for down time.

So on top of what you already know I also knit and sell my knit wares on facebook (you can find them here hehe, I study too.  Currently a Certificate IV in Youth Work, although my life is changing so much and so quickly I'm not quite sure that's the right career path for me.  It's a lot of trouble, sometimes what feels like more than it's worth, but there is a great feeling of accomplishment in reading results.

Just because all of the above is not nearly enough, I have just dedicated myself to doing a 200km (124 miles) bike ride over 2 days to raise money for cancer research.  This is going to be a massive challenge for me.  I haven't ridden a bike in about 15 years to begin with and never EVER that kind of distance.  But I'm a pretty determined person, so I will do it and I will be training a lot.

I've been told I try to bite off more than I can chew.  I don't agree.  The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours sleep.  Although of course others function well with less and others with more (my husband being on the more side).  I do well with 6-7 hours sleep which leaves me with 17-18 hours of the day for everything else I love to do.  Gardening, housework, knitting, study, cooking, baking etc etc etc.  My list of enjoyable things is pretty long :)  14-15 hours though isn't really that much!  So I run on a very tight schedule and as soon as I have my bike in my hands it will become even tighter.  I have become the queen of scheduling, budgeting and working from lists!  It's the way I achieve what I need/want to.

Days like today totally throw me.  Today was an "everything will go wrong" kind of day and it seemed never ending.

So I've totally rescheduled myself in the hopes I can squeeze everything I need into the rest of the week and just pretend this Monday didn't happen.

I named this post "Just a Little More" because I honestly believe that most people can find "just a little more" to do in their day to make them feel a little better about it, to feel like it wasn't wasted or just a horrible day.  Today my "just a little more" was registering for this ride and dedicating myself to raising $2500 in the hopes that one day a cure for cancer will be found.

Some people may think I'm crazy for always adding "just a little more", but I couldn't imagine my life any different, I couldn't imagine not doing something "just a little more" every day.


  1. What a wonderful philosophy! I now know i will always try "just a little more" Thankyou.

  2. Crazy is good, a little more is better. Keep breathing, that's the trick.
