Thursday 18 April 2013

Technology Ban - Days 5&6

Yesterday I worked, which is why I didn't update my blog for the day.   I do casual work as a dog groomer.  My boss is a great friend, so work isn't really work, it's an absolute blast.  Miss 13 stayed home with my husband and from what I've been told he read all day and she slept most of it.  I think she was recovering from all the awful hard labour I inflicted on her on Tuesday.  Miss 3 was at her 2nd home at daycare.
Miss 10 and Miss 6 came along to work with me.  My boss/friend has 2 kids and my girls love them.  They, once again, passed on their technology ban and didn't touch it while we were there.  Instead, they rode scooters, went over to the school playground and drew pictures.  Miss 6 came in to sit with me for a while because she'd sliced her foot open pretty well on Tuesday night and it was starting to sting.

I was hurting, so so bad from Tuesday's gardening.  I arrived at work and of course my boss had booked in the good ol' big dogs!  One, a Maremma and the other a Maremma x Burmese Mountain Dog.  Thankfully the others were smaller, although I think they'd all had a few too many before they came for their baths ;).  It was, as usual for work, a great day full of laughs though :)

Today I intended on taking the girls out to pick some vegetables for our newly laid garden.  But I remembered late Wednesday night that I had the dog booked in to be desexed and making 3 trips out just seemed too much.  I was glad I made the choice to stay home instead.  The dog went in, much to his disgust.  He was not at all impressed by his lack of breakfast and even less impressed by arriving at the vets.  I had to carry this 16kg shaking lump all the way to the cage.  I HATED it!  I swear there must be something in the "mum contract" that states we must always be "the bad guy".  Take the kids for needles, doctors appointments operations etc and take the poor animals to lose know!  When I picked my poor man up he totally avoided me and ran for my boss instead! (she had taken me to pick him up).  He wanted nothing to do with me.  We were informed that he was rather well endowed for an 8 months old pup (something for dad to be proud of ?!) so he may have some pretty heavy swelling.  We were also informed that he didn't cry at all and was a good boy all day.   As soon as I got him in the car, he started crying.  I then had to contemplate if he was in pain or just playing it up for the loves.

The kids were all very happy to see him, and him them.  Miss 3 was especially happy!  She was very concerned for him and had a very teary day just wanting him to come home.  She actually spent some time outside calling for him :(  He hates his halo, but wont leave his stitches alone, so it's a must.  Miss 3 doesn't seem to understand that he's going to take some time to heal, but she is, so far, being very good with him.   I'm not sure he's going to like not being able to come on a walk tomorrow.

So due to the in and out of the vet, I spent my day sorting out my linen cupboard and moving Miss 6 and Miss 3 into another bedroom.  Now their room can be fully cleaned out and we can start preparing and planning for their makeover, which I've been told must include a Castle Bunk Bed!  Lucky my husband and I like a bit of a challenge.  Actually, I like a bit of a challenge, my husband just likes to make my visions come to life ;)  Not sure he actually likes the work itself much though haha.

I know I've said it before, but I really am loving seeing the girls find new ways to entertain themselves.  The trampoline has had more use in the last few days than it has since the kids got it 2 Christmases ago!  Bedrooms have been kept clean, creations have been made it's great!  I don't think I'll be lifting the ban.  I may relax it a little so that on days no one really feels like doing anything (and honestly, who doesn't have them!) we will have movie days.  But we are definitely going to remain more creative with our time.  Tomorrow marks the end of the week and tomorrow we will take our plans for our garden and start bringing them to life.  Although the husband will be left home to care for the dog.

Life is wonderful! 

1 comment:

  1. Doing a great job. lovely to read about a familly that are so close and connected.
