Friday 12 April 2013

Technology, who needs it!

Wow!  A year has already past since I made a post on here.

Well, this one will be a very short one because I only have 7 minutes until I impose the "technology ban"!

It's not a true ban, but a partial one.  From 8am-6pm every day for a week we will have no use of phones, iPads, TV's, computers etc.  We are allowed the radio for music and we will find other ways to entertain ourselves!

My poor children are completely beside themselves at the idea of this, actually, so is my husband.  He's horrified.  Oh the injustice of it all!!  I, however, am greatly looking forward to it!  I am tired of the "can we go on, can we go on", so for a week I get to say no, we're going to get DIRTY, we're going to explore the big wide world!!!

Unfortunately for me, today has started overcast and I'm starting to think it might rain!  Great day to choose to start don't ya think ?  Oh well, the dirt outside needs a little softening to help prepare our vegetable garden, and the grass is in need of it too! 

Oops, 3 minutes left!

I shall return daily to update on or adventures without technology :)


  1. This is a great idea. I have taken to turning my own computer off from 9am but am usually back on at lunch time. My partner would never agree to a ban himself, he uses the computer for work. We've done stints of no tv, but I like the idea of making it a habit. My girls would be lost without their DSs, especially the 7 year old. Actually yesterday there was no tv and no DSs and she went to her room and came back in tears because she'd forgotten how to play with her toys (her words LOL) We told her she needs more practice... Maybe we need to trial a ban. 8am - 6pm is a long time though. I'm going to be back to see how you go :) Put a link on FB though or I will forget LOL

  2. Great ! When we moved to Tassie we had no tv for 12 months. I was amazed how many books we read the walks we went on and the great conversations we had. Someone felt sorry for us and gave us a tv it was amazing how we switched on but switched of everything else. Surprisingly I miss it as once on it is hard to turn off. So all credit to you. Enjoy the experience.
