Sunday 14 April 2013

Technology Ban - Day 2

Late last night miss 6 came home to discover our new venture.  Needless to say, after two weeks on a farm with next to no technology anyway, she wasn't very impressed.  After two weeks without her I really wanted a little one on one time with her, so I took her down to the local market.  We didn't even go inside, unfortunately we weren't very impressed at all.  The good thing about that is I'm thinking of approaching a couple of local places about holding a market a little more than just bric-a-brac!  We shall see how that goes, it's a while off yet.  Following the market failure we went to have a hot dog for lunch and I heard all about her farm adventures :)  I honestly forgot how much this tiny little person could talk!  I think I said about 5 words the whole time we were out lol, but it's so wonderful to have her home.

Miss 3 had absolutely no qualms today.  Seems she's picked up on this new regime pretty easily and very happily.  I think she loves all the extra time with her sisters.

Miss 10 and Miss 13 both ran away from my insanity!  Miss 13 decided a friend's house would be much more fun and considering this friend has a spa, I can't say I blame her.  But, she will be back to her new reality here tomorrow.  Miss 10 went to spend the night with her grandparents so she can catch up with her cousins tomorrow.  This is GREAT!  They are currently living in a caravan (so no technology anyway) and tomorrow's meet is being held at the playground.  She will love it :)

My husband spent a lot of time reading again, so I'm considering this book ban on him even more haha.  I don't think I would ever achieve it though :P.  We also discussed the garden a little more, but we both seemed to need a day of relaxing so we took it.

I slept...till 11am :/  Well, I was up at 5 with the youngest and by 7:30 I swapped with the man and climbed back into my bed.  Easy way to avoid a day with no computer :P  Once I was home from my adventure with Miss 6 I started working on another new knitting project.  A gorgeous cabled scarf.  It looks beautiful so far and I hope to finish it quickly, that is if I can stay on task, which I'm not very good at.  If it's a quick project I'll whip through it, longer ones though I tend to put aside again and again.  I am already sitting here contemplating doing something else.  I really am hopeless.  So I bought myself a little notebook and I'm writing my knitting goals in it.  I want to achieve more and have more to aim for.  So no more bag of works in progress for me.

Miss 3 and 6 also did some water painting.  You know those books you can buy and you just add water and it's magically painted ?  We scored them for $2 and it was great entertainment for them.  Especially Miss 3, she thought they were absolutely fantastic!  Miss 10 made herself a lamp too from a kit I got on clearance for $7.  Much cheaper than a trip to the movies, or more DVD's and a lot more entertaining for them :)

All in all another successful technology free day :)  Tomorrow we are off the the library!

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds so busy!!
    Keep up the good work. love all the creativity
