Monday 15 April 2013

Technology Ban - Day 3

Miss 3 went off to daycare today and with Miss 10 and 13 both away it left us with just Miss 6 at home.  We caved a little this morning using the iPad, but it was only to talk to my mother in law who we'd been trying to call for a week!  I didn't want to ban my husband from talking to his mum, so we allowed it lol.

Following that we headed off to the library.  To start with I got told "there's nothing here mum".  So I asked my darling 6 year old, why out of the 100s of books here she couldn't find a thing ?  I asked her if it were perhaps the fact that she'd spent all of about 30 seconds quickly sweeping the surroundings ?  She went off to look again.  I loaded up on a couple of Tolkien books that I haven't read before, lots of gardening books and a course a knitting book.  My husband got himself some more reading material.  I think he will be back at the library before anyone because he has this tendency of devouring a book in the way a lion might chew it's prey.  The 6 year old who "couldn't find anything" suddenly had a pile of books about half a mile high sitting on a chair.  It was sitting on the chair for 2 reasons.  Firstly, she couldn't carry them all and secondly she needed 2 free hands to keep adding to the pile!  So much for there being nothing lol.  So we had to enforce the negotiating techniques we are so familiar with.  It consisted of "There is no way you're having all of them!"  She went through them and reduced it down to an amount we could at least carry out of the library comfortably and we went for lunch.  Miss 6 played happily on the playground for a little while, we ate and my husband and I were engulfed in our books.  Mine being on Organic Gardening. 

Once home I realised very quickly that I'd forgotten to pick up garbage bags and yes we did unfortunately did them that minute.  Now, you have to understand that we do not own a car.  So we walk everywhere.  The library is about a 15 minute walk, the shops are right next door.  So after already making that trip, I had to make it again.  When you have to do it more than once in a day, you dread it.  Luckily we're pretty used to it because I am absolutely incredible at leaving lists at home and then forgetting important things at the store.  It's a special power I acquired upon having kids...

At the shops I decided I would get us a second hose so that my husband would remember to water his herbs.  Me, being my horrible self had moved our only hose out the back to water the greenhouse and as a result of my incredulous move the herbs were dying.  New hose it was!  No we have one front and back, so here's hoping nothing else dies.  I also got weed mat ready to start tomorrow's garden adventure.  In my excitement of gardening goods I walked out WITHOUT garbage bags!  At least I was still in the center though lol.  So I trudged back in for them.

Not long after I got home, the husband had to get ready for work and we had guests arrive that we hadn't seen in years!  That was a quick visit though, although they were back for coffee a little later :)  I started on the housework that needed doing and at this point Miss 10 arrived home.

Well, can I just say I am one extremely proud mother today!  She had every opportunity to watch TV etc, but instead she chose to tell her grandparents all about the technology ban.  So guess what ?!  Everyone was banned from technology there too!  She didn't watch any TV until after 6pm and avoided it all day today.  My heart swelled when they told me.  If that's the kind of awesome kids I'm raising, then damn I'm doing something right!

After dinner and after Miss 3 was bathed, Miss 13 arrived home.  She arrived home with CUPCAKES!  Then refused to share, oh but just wait until she's sleeping hehehe.  You know what else though?? She didn't watch TV until AFTER 6:30!!!  She didn't go on the computer with her friend, she baked cupcakes, played with the dogs and stayed up most of the night READING.  I was in shock, actually I think my heart may have stopped for just a few seconds!  Tonight my 13 and 10 year old are spending a little well deserved time playing their games on the computer.  I think they've earned it, I also think they're loving this more than they ever thought they would.

I am really proud of my kids :)  Tomorrow I am putting them to work in the garden :D

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